Effective July 1, 2021, the neonatal perinatal medicine program will launch a Competence Based Medical Education model of curriculum delivery and assessment.


McMaster PGME Competence Based Medical Education Website

Royal College Training Modules

Go to CBME > TRAINING > Competence Committee > +Royal College for instructions on how to use MedSIS CBME tools.

EPAs (Entrustable Professional Activities)

There are 24 Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in the NPM Program.  They are authentic tasks of the discipline.  EPAs are grouped into stages.

  1. Transition to Discipline (3)
  2. Foundation of Discipline (10)
  3. Core of Discipline (10)
  4. Transition to Practice (1)

Assessment Data Collection

Competence Committee

The Competence Committee (CC) is a sub-committee of the Neonatal Perinatal Medicine (NPM) Residency Training Committee (RTC). It consists of a team of about 8 members – the Program Director, an external member (preferably the program director of another residency program) and 5-6 staff neonatologists.  The CC monitors the progress of each learner in demonstrating achievement of the Entrustable Professional Activities (EPA) to make decisions related to stage promotion, interventions to support learning, readiness to challenge Royal College examinations, and enter independent practice. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada information on Competence Committees. 

TTD > FOD (1st year)3-4 blocks/monthsSeptember/October
FOD Progress (1st year)8-9 blocks/monthsMarch/April
FOD > COD (1st year)11-12 blocks/monthsJune
FOD > COD (2nd year)15-16 blocks/monthsSeptember/October
COD Progress (2nd year)18 blocks/monthsJanuary
COD > TTP (2nd year)20-21 blocks/monthsMarch/April
COD Completion (2nd year)23-24 blocks/monthsJune
AdhocAs requested

Academic Coaches

Each learner will choose or be assigned an Academic Coach (AC) from the full-time staff neonatologists in the division for the term of their training program.  The AC will work with the learner to develop a plan to assess their individual needs and goals, and guide them toward meeting them. Division of Neonatology Faculty Biographies.